Monday, March 30, 2009
Even here, I find myself looking for things to keep me occupied with, and find it really tough when I have nothing to do. I'll log on the net, surf around, look around the office for something to keep me occupied with, and only with effort do I try to pause and reflect, though it's getting a bit easier. I fear going back, when I'll be trapped in the same rat race all over again. That is, unless I can develope the habit here to do so with discipline. Yes, even resting requires discipline.
Not just us back in sg, but for the people here as well. No wonder we are burnt out. No wonder we gradually forget why we are doing all this. No wonder we cease to become human beings and become human doings...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Itsy Bitsy Giardia Swimming in the Lake

My favourite parasite from the modules infectious diseases and microbiology. Mainly because it's so easy to recognise under a microscope and it has an easy to remember name. This little fellow causes diarrhoea 1 week after ingestion and is spread through contaminated food and water. It's quite common over here so be careful what you eat.
I vomitted the whole night on Sunday. It was probably the bread that I kept too long. Though it was a terrible night, It's a good thing that everything I ate was removed and nothing was absorbed into my system, which would be much worse. The next day was a tiring one, and an aching stomach, having worked the whole night to push everything out. But otherwise, I was ok.
Hahaa, guess what I did to the computers at the office? I set up a wireless network for them, lol. So now, more people, including me, heh, can access the net at the same time. There's a desktop and and laptop here, so at least 2 of them can be on at anyone time.
I found something else to do at the office when I'm bored. Will show you more when I got results from my work, hahaa. I am really settling in.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
This week was rather hectic. Afternoons are alright, but nights are all burnt. Lectures and small groups with the students of the university. The topic was media influence, and it made me realise how much movies and songs, and esp games. Look at dead space on youtube if you want to see how violent games can get. Warning, extreme gore, digusting monsters and horrible ways of dying. Not for the faint hearted.
Also, you can listen to this ridiculous song.
A couple of my friends and I went for a climb up a mountain. Turns out they had a little park up there. Quite a nice view.My first photo on this blog, hahaa.
Just a month and He has already shown me so much about myself. There is still a long way to go, but when I start focusing on 'fixing' myself and less on Him, I've already lost focus.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Food Stuff Kunming Style
Friday, March 6, 2009
Flowers, Zoo and Cherry Blossom Festival
When all the trees are budding
The birds begin to sing
The flowers start their blooming
Flower pics requested by HY.
Streets of Kunming.
From Dali. Those below are from the Kunming Zoo, celebrating the Cherry Blossom Festival. You can see why.
This is the Peacock Garden. The one below has opened up it's tail feathers. We were waiting for it to raise its tail up, but it was just grooming itself and had no intreast in the female in front of it.
Amusement park in the zoo!?
I hate formatting paragraphs with pictures in blogger...
Surgery room
They're for an orthopedic operation. Once you've seen one, you probably won't want to go for one. Hahaa. Sawing, drilling, hammering... not your ER kind of delicate surgeries...
I was doing translation, but I know enough to keep away from the sterile areas.
Translation was tough, had to remember both Chinese and English names and think on the fly. Most times, the doctor's hand gestures did the trick. Most of the translation I did was when the American doctor conversed with the local doctors. Ops were very successful!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Discipline and Servanthood
The key thing was servant leadership and how it inspires the men to serve the commander. But how often is that practiced even in the cooperate world, let alone uniform groups? You know how leadership works in this world. Authority is not earned by respect, but by fear.
Which leads me to another thought. Discipline is part and parcel of our lives. Spending time with Father, reading and studying His Word, watching our own thought patterns and actions and steering them to be more and more like His aren't simple matters. They require discipline. When the enemy attacks, is our training enough to help us overcome or will we fall? Our Father helps, that's true, but we still need to play our part.
To my brothers back at home in Bethany:
I'm glad Amos has taken the step to lead a group and Larry has willingly joined the comm. All of us however has a role to play in the family and that is why each of us has to step up and take the lead when there's a need. Our sisters have been doing most of the work and they are doing a good job, but I'm sure they would like to see you guys come up as well. Don't be afraid that you aren't able to do it or that there are better people for the job. What is needed is a willing person. Nothing kills the man in you like passiveness.
Take your faith seriously. It doesn't matter where you stand now as long as you are willing to move on. Start serving and you'll be surprise how much you can grow. Watch what you do cause people are looking at you. No matter your age (unless you're an infant), there are people younger and they will be looking at you (yes, I'm talking to you who think you're to young to be leaders). No matter what, you're a leader in some way. Our uncles, we need more than just your advise on how to do things. Sometimes, we need you to show us. And don't forget, your sons are looking at you too.
Amos, watch your group. Especially those who have not had a father to look up to. This may be stressful to you, but you're the father in those cases. Always lead them back to the Father and do your best to care for them. You're already doing a good job, keep at it. Watch the amount of things you take up and don't overload yourself. Remember to study as well, that is your testimony as a student. Start training someone to assist you.
Ben, train up people to have the commitment and discipline you have each Sunday morning. Build a team to lighten your load. Glad you got Amos and Kevin Ku to help.
Kelvin, Samuel, Qing Long, Jason, you guys are ready. Keep growing and always be ready to give what you can. There is no such thing as 'not good enough' with the Father if you give off your best. And there is no such thing as a perfect servant. I have tonnes of flaws if you guys haven't noticed.
That was longer than I intended it to be, Letter to Bethany? Hahaa.
Uncle Mark or David or anyone, if there's anything that is wrong in anyway, please tell me.
China sun for Jason :p
There weren't stars in the night sky in China though, kind of disappointing...