Friday, March 6, 2009

Flowers, Zoo and Cherry Blossom Festival

What a wondrous time is spring
When all the trees are budding
The birds begin to sing
The flowers start their blooming

Flower pics requested by HY.

Streets of Kunming.

From Dali. Those below are from the Kunming Zoo, celebrating the Cherry Blossom Festival. You can see why.

This is the Peacock Garden. The one below has opened up it's tail feathers. We were waiting for it to raise its tail up, but it was just grooming itself and had no intreast in the female in front of it.

Amusement park in the zoo!?

I hate formatting paragraphs with pictures in blogger...


  1. The flowers are so pretty! Haha I can't wait for spring then I'll take lots of pictures of flowers too! But we'll have a different variety of flowers here I guess. Anyway what is wrong with your polo tee and jeans in kunming?

  2. That'll be great! Sg's the garden city, but the streets are nowhere this colourful. Hahaa, the polo tee was thin, so the cold goes right through, the jeans are ok, but my shoes are a shade of grey now, not white, lol.

  3. Ya that's why. QUite a waste. That's why Im glad Ill be able to experience Spring here =) Haha i see! What's the temperature there like now? Haha nvm! shoes can always be washed (if you're not too lazy =p)

  4. haha i knew ur shoes would turn grey! :p u huh told u to stock up more on warm clothing u never listen! eh the flowers are so nice! if possible get more close-ups leh???? :D

  5. Hey Jia. Under 20 in Dali. The temp's ok, the wind isn't. I'm alright most of the time except when showering, lol. Yeah, will have to wash them, hah.

  6. Hey Weiz. Hahaa, yeah, but they're so comfortable to walk in. I got a pair of boots though, and it's much warmer in there. I have more than enough clothing though... Thinking of sending some back home. I'll try to get close-ups, but they'll probably be blury and shaky. LOL
